Prayer Is Vital

Prayer plays a vital role here at CCG. We believe that God desires to hear the heart cries of His children and to answer each and every prayer request according to His perfect will.

Why is prayer so important in the life of the Believer? Perhaps Pastor Chuck Smith, founder of Calvary Chapel, said it best in his book “Effective Prayer Life” as he writes:

“Our greatest outlet of spiritual power is prayer. I can do more for God through prayer than I can through any other means, including service. Prayer binds the strong man of the house, whereas service is going in and taking the spoil. I can do more than pray after I have prayed, but I really can’t do more than pray until I have prayed. My service to God, though important, is limited to one place. Prayer, however, is limitless in its scope. It can reach around the world.

Through prayer I can spend one-half hour of my life in South America, doing work for the kingdom of God by strengthening the hands of the missionaries. Then I can go to Mexico and spend some time with my friends who are ministering there. I can help them in their ministry by praying for the effectiveness of the tracts they distribute and the words they speak. Then I can move into China and pray for the church there. I can touch a world for God through prayer right from my own closet.”

Here at CCG, you have many opportunities to both request prayer and to pray for others. At the end of each service, pastors, elders and their wives are available to pray with you and annoint with oil if you need special prayer for healing. Also, men gather each Tuesday morning at 6:30 AM to lift the requests from the numerous Prayer Request Cards submitted each week by you in the Offering Boxes. Many ministries integrate prayer into their gatherings such as Home Groups, Men’s Meetings and Ladies Bible Studies to name a few.

Have Questions?

If you have questions about our Prayer Team or you, or someone you know, is in need of prayer, please call us at (770) 932-5531, or contact us online.

Submit a Prayer Request