God is Faithful
If you have attended Calvary Chapel Gwinnett (CCG) for any reasonable length of time, you know that we don’t talk much about money. Why not?
First, we are a faith-based group of Believers. Since the beginning of CCG back in the mid 1980’s, we have not “passed-the-plate” but rather have chosen to simply place Offering Boxes at the rear of our Sanctuary. This allows people to give freely, with no high-pressure tactics or guilt-trip lectures. Since day one, we have chosen to lean on God’s provision for us as a Fellowship and adhered to the Calvary Chapel Distinctive of “where God guides, God provides.” God has proven Himself faithful over the years as His people are always faithful to give generously as they feel directed by the Holy Spirit.
Second, in many of today’s churches, money seems to be the main focus of their existence. This coupled with the lavish lifestyles of some church leaders has sent the wrong message that the church is all about money and affluence. How more false could this perception be among true bible-teaching churches where Jesus, our primary example, lived a humble and meek existence while here on the earth; totally dependent on His heavenly Father to meet His daily physical and spiritual needs.
Last, we believe that through the faithful teaching of God’s Word verse-by-verse and chapter-by-chapter, the Word will do a more than an adequate job of spurring us on to faithful giving. Jesus spoke often about money. Many of His parables addressed the issues surrounding the love of money and the unhealthy addiction of materialism. When our pastors/teachers encounter portions of Scripture that address money, we are happy to expound on the issue within the context of the selected verses. Outside of that, we don’t feel the need to pressure our CCG flock into giving.
Why Give Online?
In the technological age in which we live, many of us are very comfortable using today’s online banking and other similar tools. For this reason, we have decided to implement this service here at CCG using the well-known and proven e-commerce application: PayPal.
Giving online using PayPal is simple and safe, and better yet, costs you nothing! (We are charged a small fee for using PayPal’s service on our end, but feel it is worth the cost to us for the convenience it offers.)
Make a Difference!
Calvary Chapel Gwinnett has a designated fund for the benevolence needs of others. By helping others, CCG believes it is helping fulfill part of “the church’s” purpose as described in the Bible. Our CCG Benevolence Committee (and/or pastoral leadership) has total control over the money in this designated fund. The CCG Benevolence Committee, along with our Financial Secretary, will disburse the funds according to its prayerful evaluation and discernment. The CCG Benevolence Committee may consider suggestions to help others from anyone, but the Committee or pastoral leadership is not bound in any way to honor the suggestions. Only designated contributions to the Benevolence Fund will be allowed in this fund.
Gifts of Appreciated Assets (Stocks, ETFs, Mutual Funds, Etc.)
Please contact the church office if you are interested in learning more about gifting appreciated assets to Calvary Chapel Gwinnett – info@ccgwinnett.com.